Sunday, 30 January 2011

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Training update

My next marathon is the Duchy in Cornwall on the 13th March. As part of the training I am cycling 65 miles tomorrow (30/01) my girlfriend Jo is coming along to.

My Plan

When my brother Ian died, aged 32 on 13th October 2006, due to a brain tumour, it was a hard time for all who knew Ian. His wife Angela, set up a fund in his memory with Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust  SDBTT to help raise money and awareness for brain tumours. This got me thinking how I could help, to raise money for the fund, I decided to run a half marathon, it would be my first half marathon. In 2007 I ran my first marathon, by the end of  2011, I had run 9 marathons, each of the marathons began with a different letter, this got me thinking, why not try to do the alphabet in marathons?

I looked at marathons and worked out a time scale. Below is my alphabet in marathons. (some might change)

A- Amsterdam (completed), B- Berlin (completed), C- Clarendon Way (completed),                                    D- Duchy 13th March 2011 (completed), E- Exmoor 16th April 2011(completed), F- Fairlands Valley,                             G- Gower Peninsula (completed), H- Halstead, I- Isle of White, J- Jersey, K- Kiel,                                        L- London (completed),  M- Mablethorpe 8th October 2011, N- Neolithic (completed), O- Oslo,  P- Prague (completed),       Q- Quebec City, R- Rome (completed), S- Shakespeare, T- Toronto (completed), U- Utah Valley, V- Vienna, W- White Peak, X- Xiamen  Jan 2018, Y- Yorkshireman, Z- Zurich

Thinking of the time scale, for my first marathon I was 29 years old, so I thought about 10 years, making the last marathon just before my 40th. The Xiamen marathon in China is in January normally at the start around the 2nd, my birthday is the 9th. The plan is to do 2 marathons a year, one year I will have to do 3, then in January 2018 the Xiamen would complete my alphabet in marathons.

SDBTT,  not only supports research into brain tumours, but also offer support to patients diagnosed with a brain tumour as well as their families and carers.