Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Not long till marathon H

The Halstead marathon is on the 13th May. This weekend I ran 14 miles on Saturday then on Sunday. Jo and I went to London to support people running the marathon. I would like to congratulate all the runners. We were very sad to hear the news about the death on Claire Squires.

Supporting the event you really get to see the number of people running, and how fast so many of them are. We supported people from Great western runners GWR and Finch coasters. GWR have a new website: http://www.greatwesternrunners.org.uk/ which is well worth a look.

The weekend of the 14th April Jo and I had a BBQ and invited people over to see our new home in Twyford. We were very lucky with the weather and had a great time. Then on Sunday we had a 70 mile bike ride around Maidenhead which we both found hard as we had not done much cycling recently.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Compton 20 Mile

Jo and I ran the Compton 20 mile off road event. We ran together up to 10 miles, then one of the marshals shouted to Jo that she was running 5th female, so I said to Jo that she should run ahead and see what place she could finish. Jo is running so well at the moment that this blog should not be about me, but it should be about how amazing Jo is. Jo beat me by 15 mins, which works out at 1 1/2 minutes quicker each mile, (from 10 mile to 20 miles) but most impressive of all she finished 3rd female, the photo below is Jo with the winning envelop. 

Both Jo and I thought the event was brilliant, well organised and very friendly, highly recommended.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

News from SDBTT

Latest news is available please click on link: http://braintumourtrust.co.uk/about-us/news/

My apologies

A couple of post ago I said the leisure facilities around Twyford were not up to much, I must offer my apologies. I said that Jo and I signed up for swimming lessons at Wokingham, we did not realise that as part of the lessons we can also swim for £1 and the pool at Wokingham has a sauna which you can use included in the price of a swim.

Then last night we found out we could also use a pool in Lower Earley, also for £1 and they have a Jacuzzi, steam room and a sauna. Both Jo and I are really happy that we can now swim more and get the use of the other facilities as well.