Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Letter O completed

Letter O: Oslo

Jo and I had planned a cycle trip around Norway which was why I signed up for the Oslo marathon. The marathon was expensive at 750 NOK, which is £75. We then decided it was too complicated working out the cycle route and ended up going to Malta and  scuba diving. We then went onto Norway for 6 days after.

While in Malta the fins I used for diving rubbed on my heel. and just before going to Malta, I twisted my Knee. Our first stop in Norway was Bergen. In Bergen we walked up a mountain which was amazing.
We were walking a 11 mile route we were near the end around 10 miles, when the signs disappeared. We started to panic that we could end up staying the night on the mountain, so we had to run back the way we had come. We did get down but it was not good for my heel or knee. I ended up having to leave my heel uncovered. So I fashioned a carrier bag as a make shift shoe.
I did manage to buy a pair of  crocs, so I did not have to wear a carrier bag for too long. I was not sure I could manage to run marathon, but I had to give it ago. I decided to run with the 4 hour paces.
Jo was fantastic and supported me managing to work out the route and see me at lots a spots through out the marathon.

I finished in 3:55. I was so happy to finish. It is my 4th marathon this year, my 16th marathon in total, leaving 10 marathons in 5 years and one of the expensive marathons completed. My heel hurt and my knee hurt I ran taking pain killers, but overall I was pleased how my body held up. I am looking forward to having a rest.