Monday, 30 June 2014

2014 Endure 24 hour run

Jo and are were part of one of two teams that entered the 2014 Endure 24 A 24 hour off road running event. To be a mixed team you had to have at least 2 female runners, Jo was the only female in our team so we were classed as a male team, the other Finch coasters team were in the mixed category. It was a 5 mile off road run, continuous running for 24 hours.

 Simon about to start for the mixed team and Rhodri starting for the the Mens team
Start of Endure 24
Group of runners sheltering from the rain
Andy S had kindly brought a massive shelter which was very useful, especially with all the rain.
Rhodri handing the yellow band over to Jo 
Andy Y after one of his legs. 
The sun did come out eventually
It rained over night which made the course very muddy.
Group of runners waiting for the change over.
Andy S handing over the yellow band after his five mile lap.

Paul nearing the finish of our penultimate lap after the teams had been running for 23 hours & 50 mins 

Paul handing over to Rhodri for the last of our laps

The final countdown of the 2014 Endure 24

Rhodri nearing the end.

Rhodri finishing the final leg for the Finch coasters mens team

Emer finishing the final leg for the Finch coasters mixed team
Jo and Rachel with their well deserved medals

Me showing of my medal

From left to right, Back row, Jo, Simon, Andy, Paul, Front row, Rhodri, Me, Emer and Claire, members of both Finch coasters teams who had stayed to very end to cheer our final runners home.

Both Finch teams did amazing. The Mens team finishing 9th out of 25 teams, completing 35 five mile laps in 24 hours. The mixed team finished 62nd out of  125 teams, completing 29 five mile laps in 24 hours.

The night shifts were the hardest, running through woods in the dark ,with the rain which caused lots of lovely mud was very hard and energy sapping. My last lap which like most of our runners was my fifth lap was very painful and I had to give every bit of energy I had to get around the course.

Endure 24 is an amazing event, with something like 2000 runners taking part in the event. 

The winners of the event Achilles Heel have put a you tube video up which is worth a look 

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